Театральная постановка на уроке английского языка "Алиса в стране чудес"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

В современном процессе изучения иностранного языка театральные постановки с элементами игры являются важным и необходимыми элементами. Такое серьезное препятствие как «языковой барьер» становится легко преодолимым, как только учащиеся попадают в ситуацию игры, ролевого взаимодействия, оказываются вовлеченными в общий творческий процесс.

Немаловажным является и то, что совместная работа над спектаклем и подготовка к спектаклю развивает у участников умение слушать партнера, укрепляет чувство партнера ответственности за успех общего дела.

В то же время для учителя работа над сценарием, репетиции дает возможность дополнительно отработать произношение, ввести и закрепить новые лексические единицы, а также уникальную возможность общения с учениками в новом для обеих сторон контексте.

Цели мероприятия:

  • Образовательные: совершенствование лексических и произносительных навыков
  • Развивающие:
    • активизация устной речи;
    • снятие «языкового барьера»
  • Воспитательные: воспитание чувства ответственности за успех общего дела.

Сценарий праздника

На сцену выходят Чеширский кот, Алиса, Мартовский кролик, Шляпник, Мышка Соня. Они приветствуют детей, представляются и рассказывают о празднике.

– Hello, boys and girls! We are fairytale characters from book “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carol. We are going to travel about wonderful country English Wonderland. Let me introduce to my friends…they are Dormouse, Cheshire cat, Hatter, March Hare. You will be given 5 tasks:” The lottery”, “Where does the ghost live?”, “The Hat Shop”, “The letter”, “Mysterious ship”. For each right answer you will get a smile of Cheshire cat. Who has the most smiles you will be a winner. And now we are beginning…

Звучитмузыка. Начинается сценка из “Madparty”.

A mad tea party.

– Hello, my name is Alice. I follow the White Rabbit down the rabbit house. Oh, What is it? It is a cat. It is a strange cat. He is sitting on a bough of a tree and grinning.
Alice: Hello! You are…
Cat: Yes, I’m Cheshire cat!
Alice: Would you  tell me, please, where am I ?   And what is the way?
Cat: Well… That depends a good deal on where you want to get to…?
Alice: What sort of people live about here?
Cat: In that direction lives a Hatter and in that direction lives a March Hare. Visit either you like. They are both mad.
Alice: But I don’t want to go among mad people.
Cat: Oh, you can’t help that we are all mad here. I’m mad. You are mad.
Alice: I’ve often seen a cat without a smile, but a smile without  a cat…It is the most curious thing. I’ve ever seen in all my life.
March Hare: No room! No room!
Hatter: No room! No room!
Alice: But there is plenty of room.
March Hare: Do you like more tea?
Alice: I didn’t drink tea. So I can’t more tea.
Hatter: Do you like less tea?
Dormouse: Once upon a time there lived 3 little sisters and their names were Elsie, Lacie and Jillie. And they lived in the cup very well.
Alice: Where did they live?
Dormouse: They live in the cup…very well…
Alice: No, they can’t live in the cup…
Dormouse: They were very ill.
March Hare: Take some more tea.
Alice: I didn’t drink the tea. So I can’t have more tea.
Hatter: Well, finish the story…
Alice: But I…
March Hare: What day of the month is in today?
Hatter: Well, Alice what day of the month is in today?
Alice: The fourth.
March Hare: Oh, my watch is two days wrong
Hatter: Have some wine
Alice:  I don’t see any wine.
March Hare: There isn’t any.
Alice: It wasn’t very civil of you to offer it.
Hatter: It is always tea-time. Wake up Dormouse.
Dormouse: I am not sleeping.
March Hare: Tell us story, please.
Dormouse: Well… They were learning to draw in the cup…  Once  upon time…
Alice: (встает и уходит): They are very crazy at any rate…I’ll never go there again…

Task 1 (каждое задание имеет музыкальное сопровождение)
“The lottery” (English breakfast)
Hello, I am March Hare. I have interesting task. Take a card with a word and find the picture on the screen, name the number.

Task  2. “Where does the ghost live?”
In this task you have to find where the ghost lives. The ghost’ll read the text you have to choose the place where he lives (for example: Trafalgar square, Big Ben, Buckingham palace ). Take the block and throw it. For instance: fall #1, stand on this footprint and have to do the task.

Во время этого задания выбегает Шляпник и загадывает веселые загадки.
Riddles about relatives and things
– My father’s son is not my brother. Who is he?
– I go at night and all the day. And yet I never  go away.

Task  3. “The Hat shop”
Hello, I am Hatter. Welcome to my crazy hat shop. Look! Put the sentences in the bubbles.
Good luck!

Task  4. “The letter of White Rabbit”
The White rabbit wrote a letter to queen but he didn’t know the verbs.
Help him… (you have 5 min)

Task  5. “The Mystery Ship”

This is a famous English ship. It is in Portsmouth. What is called? Find the letter with the pictures,,,
The first will be winner!

Рисунок 1

The   letter of March Hare.

I am March Hare. My birthday is on 1st of April. I am proud of this fact. English Queen Elizabeth was born in April too. Well, I didn’t have a birthday party because my house isn’t big. I didn’t invite my best friends. I live with Dormouse and Hatter in a terraced house. There isn’t garden in front of the house.
Our house is quite small. I like drawing. Dormouse forces to sleep in the teapot. Hatter is fond of drinking tea every day.  
We have a big collection of coins. We began to collect coins many years ago. There are more than 200 coins from different countries in our collection. Some of them are cold and rare. And we would like to give this collection to our Queen. We are going to get a new big house with a small garden.